Three Shapes

3.26.2010 | |

The juxtaposition between tree, building and moon caught my eye.  I was amazed at the deep blue of the sky.


Jeff said...

okay... I get this picture looks cool and interesting, and I like it. This is what I don't get (and how I get into arguments with my wife about photos): if one of the things that impressed you was the deep blue of the sky, why go black-and-white? How does that emphasize the deep blue aspect?

That may sound like a complaint/criticism/smart-aleck remark, but it isn't. I really don't get it, and would like to.

Dan said...

Good point on the comment versus the image. Would you have had the question if I had not mentioned the sky as blue? If I has noted it as clear (which it was) instead? Just curious. Honestly, I almost said nothing about the sky in the original post.

The reason I went with B/W was to emphasize the shape of the building and the tree, without color getting in the way. The tree, being bare, had very little presence in the color version next to the red building and blue sky.

Jeff said...

No, if you hadn't mentioned "blue" I probably wouldn't have said anything.

That comment about the tree's presence clears up the choice for me. I get that completely. Thanks.